eBook: The Rising Cost of Employee Healthcare
The Rising Cost of Employee Healthcare How [...]
The Rising Cost of Employee Healthcare How [...]
The Role of Data Optimization in Reducing [...]
Trust the numbers: Risk-based work prioritization [...]
Unrelenting Margin Pressures: Overcoming Healthcare’s Softening Revenues [...]
Traditional provider revenue streams remain compressed due to an unhealthy mixture of declining reimbursements and rising expenses. As a result, many hospitals and health systems are looking at new strategies, including assuming risk through attributed patient populations, to fuel growth. Is your organization ready to manage this new revenue stream?
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Without a well-established clinical documentation improvement program in place, healthcare organizations' risk rankings falling short of achieving clinical documentation integrity which underscores how critical accurately delivered and documented care reflects the well-being of individual patients and an organization's financial health. Three reasons why implementing a CDI program can help you.
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The transformation towards more integrated and accountable healthcare delivery systems is aligning physicians, outpatient care, hospitals and ultimately payers in unprecedented numbers. Yet creating a successful clinically integrated network can be a daunting and complicated undertaking. Download the 7 Steps e-book and discover how to successfully navigate the many components of a clinically integrated network.
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