Navigating High-Risk Pregnancy with Strength Through Support
Based in the Southeast, a union worker and his wife Alice were experiencing the joys of marriage and dreams of having children. However, expanding their family proved to be a difficult and challenging journey.
In late 2021, Alice became an expectant mother. But tragedy struck in the winter of 2022. At 18 weeks, she unfortunately suffered a traumatic miscarriage. The couple was devastated and was searching for answers. As part of Conifer’s Personal Health Management program, all aspects of maternity are managed in our individualized approach to medical management.
How Conifer’s Personal Health Nurse (PHN) Helped
Conifers’ Personal Health Nurse (PHN) contacted Alice and established a supportive relationship. The timing was perfect as Alice was grieving the loss of her baby. Her PHN was able to provide empathetic listening while supporting Alice’s emotional and physical needs. The PHN also worked with Alice’s primary care physician (PCP) to coordinate appropriate postnatal testing to determine the cause of her miscarriage. After several visits and lab testing, it was determined that she had polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and prediabetes.
During the next several months, Alice was on a roller coaster of medical appointments and medication changes to address the PCOS and to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). She was also dealing with underlying anxiety and depression that she had prior to her pregnancy. Her PHN supportively answered questions, explained complex medical jargon, and stressed the importance of medication adherence.
A few months down the road, the couple was ready to begin a new chapter. With Alice at age 35, the couple opted for fertility treatments. After three attempts, they received positive news – she was pregnant again!
Although they were thrilled and overjoyed, Alice was anxious since she was considered high risk. She tested positive for GDM, putting her at additional risk for preterm labor. During this acute period, Alice’s PHN assisted her every step of the way. She educated her on GDM management and the importance of monitoring and controlling her blood sugars during pregnancy.
At 35 weeks, she delivered a healthy baby via caesarean section. Once the initial elation subsided, her PHN knew Alice was at high risk for postpartum depression, so she stayed in close contact with her.
During a periodic check-in, Alice reported feeling overwhelmed. Alice is not alone. According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, one in five new moms have postpartum depression; and it is the most common complication of pregnancy. Untreated depression and anxiety in pregnancy is associated with issues such as preterm delivery, higher startle reflex in babies and gestational diabetes.
Her PHN provided encouragement and proactive solutions during those stressful days. She educated Alice on post-delivery hormonal changes and provided helpful antidepressant medication information and exercise tips.
Alice began taking PCP-prescribed medication and soon reported improved moods and enhanced mental health. In addition, she began light exercise and noted increased energy levels. Both Alice and her newborn have progressed very well.
*Member’s name has been changed for privacy.
Individualized Approach
Personal. Health. Nurse.
Help members navigate the care continuum to find the right care, in the right setting, at the right time —go beyond episodic case management or chronic disease management.
Our Personal Health Nurses engage members and optimize benefit plan utilization through collaborative care management and heightened health literacy.
Conifer Health’s Population Health Management solutions are powered by ConiferCore® technology, a proprietary platform for:
Member Advocacy
Care Navigation
Dedicated one-on-one collaboration and care planning with a Registered Nurse
Disease Management
Goal-based programs care for the person, not just the chronic condition
Case Management
Support members most at-risk for high-dollar or ineffective benefit utilization
Utilization Management
Maximize member access to the right care, in the right setting, at the right time